What is search engine optimization?

Site search optimization is

a complex of processes and methods of optimizing content, pages, site structure, as well as external factors, which are aimed at increasing the rating and visibility, with the aim of occupying high positions in the results of organic Google search, which will contribute to increasing incoming traffic.

What is the difference between such concepts as SEO site optimization and, for example, site promotion? In fact, there is no difference, but there are quite a few names of the same process used on the Internet.

If seo is also the same thing as so-called website promotion, then why use all these different names? Because people are looking for the same things in different ways.

While SEO optimization is the same approach and set of methods as search engine optimization, Google records all these terms as separate search queries. Here is your first example of using keywords.

What are the goals of site search engine optimization?

At the heart of such a process as search engine optimization of the site is always your product, and all actions will be aimed at ensuring that your target audience comes to you when they are looking for a way to fill their need.

When we talk about the goals of search engine optimization of the site, first of all it is important to clearly understand the tasks, the final goal and the key directions in which a specific business plans to develop.

For example, you sell cleaning services, so your goal is to increase sales through online orders.

And the result is affected not only by the amount of incoming traffic, but also by the conversion rate, how the business is organized from the inside, how competitive your product is, and many other parameters.

Therefore, there is no need to mislead yourself, SEO optimization of the site, like contextual advertising, does not increase your profit, but works to attract more visitors.

So, the main goals of search optimization of the site:

  • Improving the site’s ranking in search results.
  • Increasing the number of visitors and search traffic.
  • Increase the visibility of the site in Google.

How does SEO optimization work?

The main task of a search engine is quite simple: to provide users with the highest quality search results relevant to their expectations.

That is why today search engine optimization of sites is closely related to another digital marketing strategy: content marketing.

Every time you enter a search query, the system begins to select pages that should meet your needs. Next, the ranking process takes place and organic search results (SERP) are formed, where all pages are distributed in the form of a list.

Google displays the most authoritative and popular pages at the top. To ensure high-quality search results, the system uses the following parameters:

  1. Relevance indicator: the content on the page must correspond to the user’s request, and the signal for this is the keywords used when creating the page, as well as a correct understanding of the intent of the search query.
  2. Quality Indicator: The search platform wants to use the most authoritative, reliable and expert sources of information. The system believes that the more visitors you have and the number of resources that mention you, the higher the quality of your content. E-A-T factors, i.e. “expertise”, “authority” and “reliability” are responsible for this. The easiest way to improve them is to have a lot of quality backlinks.

This is a very simplified model of how search engine algorithms actually work and what determines the position of sites. In fact, more than 200 different factors are taken into account, which affect the ranking of the site in Google search.

Remember that search engine optimization is a voluminous and complex process, which includes creating a logical structure of the resource and individual pages, working with internal and back links, analysis and correct use of keywords.

The search engine also takes into account the design and usability of the site, the behavior of visitors and how they interact with it, external factors.